Saturday, February 18, 2012


Two things:
I finally made a scarf for myself, here's a sneak preview:

It's big and bad and mustard yellow.

Also, sometimes I like to make sketches only to find, months later, the inspiration:

Stocking Stuffer

Stocking Stuffer's internet doppelgänger:

and the internet's way of providing me with colorful organization. 

dream wall:

Saturday, February 11, 2012


at the Cambridge Artists Cooperative for 11 whOOOOOOle days!!!!  I was thrilled to make my way up to Boston for the opening reception on Thursday February 9th and although I was perspiring more than usual, I held myself together. The exhibition looks absolutely fabulous and I am SO thankful to have been selected to join such an amazing group of artists and craftsmen and women ! Please check out my exhibition as it will be there until February 29th:

59A Church Street, Harvard Square, Cambridge, MA

A special thank you to Sasha Mishkin for her photography and wonderful support !